Sunday, November 4, 2012


We need to balance progress and education. Yes, there are new educational tools available every new school year, but we need not fall into the trap of thinking we need the best and viewing that what has worked thus far as obsolete. Computers and labs are an important aspect of education, but a lot of learning can be done in an older lab and older computers. Why should we let our school system become involved so deeply in the capitalist machine? We lose sight of teaching as it was intended – to build a foundation in each student that allows them how to learn facts systematically for some purpose(i.e. writing or scientific lab to prove or argue something) and to use reason to achieve understanding of problems and issues ranging from philosophy to politics. In order to accomplish that we need well educated teachers with a broad curriculum, and cut spending on the technological side education.

Economic Divide

No, soaking the rich is not the best course of action. While I would have little to no problem paying high taxes if I earned in the millions and billions, the people who achieve that amount of money often do mind very much. If you put pressure on the rich with the threat of taxing their money, then they find ways to get it out of the reach of taxation. Maybe by investing or moving business overseas…? The way to get the money out of the rich is to give them incentive to spend it in America. It’s a republican talking point, but it is right in that the rich are intentionally holding back the economy due to President Obama’s economic policies. Government plays a role in the strength of the economy, but you only see the crazy American capitalistic growth and prosperity when the rich decide. Moreover, the rich decide to create that atmosphere when it works out best for them.