Saturday, September 15, 2012

Grocery Store Celebrities

Habermas’ concern over “the decline of rational debate and the deterioration of the media from organs of public opinion to agents of propaganda” is well grounded, all-the-while unfortunate. The media is a constantly functioning institution that focuses on pop culture as news. Consider this: while I was shopping for groceries today, I was contemplating my surroundings in the checkout line. What drew my attention immediately, were the magazines. Such titles being sold were, Star Magazine, People, Family Circle and Time. Maybe the latter two of this group don’t play as big of a role in acting as voices of pop-culture, but the first two, do. I learned that one of the Kardashin sisters left her husband, Christina Aguilera has an eating problem and Jessica Simpson has still not lost that baby weight. Yet, this week a revolution of sorts swept through the Muslim world and the magazine’s I saw mentioned nothing of it. Perhaps, facing a sad reality of the world is not meant to happen while grocery shopping. Perhaps, facing an even sadder reality, that of Jessica Simpson not losing weight, is more important than revolution and unrest.

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